October 1999  Indian Ocean— Setting off on the great adventure—mid ocean rescue —saving the ‘Mikado’



December 1999  Indian Ocean—No  bacon or alcohol in the Maldives!



March 2000 Part 1  Indian Ocean—Gulf of Aden pirate attack, then the journey up the Red Sea



March 2000 Part 2   Up the Red Sea into the Mediterranean Sea, what a slog!



July 2000  Mediterranean Cruising—Turkey and Greece



December 2000  Mediterranean Cruising—Xmas in Turkey



November 2001  Black Sea Rally



December 2002  Mediterranean Cruising—Adriatic Sea



December 2003 Sailing back to Australia the ‘wrong ‘ way



December 2005  Australia to South East Asia



December 2006  Malaysia—Thailand



June 2007  Back up the Red Sea to the Mediterranean again!! Some people won’t learn.



July 2008  Downtime in Turkey and Australia



July 2009  Mediterranean Sea heading west



June 2010  Western Mediterranean



January 2011  Atlantic



 June 2011    Caribbean



March 2012 Australia


 Change  Landlubbers


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